
Specialty subjects for special interests
No two young women have identical personalities, abilities and interests. That's why NEAT offers a wide range of electives.
Some of these electives are permanent parts of the curriculum, while others vary from year to year, based on our students' interests and the skills our teachers and volunteers can share with them.
Some – such as Family Life, Art, and Physical Education – are graded, while others – such as Cooking/Nutrition, Creativity/Arts and Crafts, Guitar, Sewing, Yoga, and an Internship program for seniors – are just for exposure and enjoyment.
Art Studio
- As students in all grades work on still-life pencil art, shading, painting, watercolor, acrylic on canvas, and oil pastel shadings, they learn about the influences that have shaped major artists, are exposed to their styles, and create their own interpretations of those artists' techniques.
- From 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Mondays through Thursdays and from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm Fridays, our library is open to students who want to do research or enhance their classroom learning.
- One of the most important parts of a NEAT education is the moral behavior that results from proper values. Because Derech Eretz (proper respect) is a prerequisite for all learning, our teachers emphasize the development of good midos (character traits) and values through the examples of our great Sages and Rabbis. Members of both our Judaic and General Studies staff model, recognize, and reward good midos. By regularly visiting the elderly in nursing homes, organizing fund-raising activities for worthy charities, helping local families, shuls and community agencies through chesed programs, and performing acts of charity and concern for others, our students build good midos by putting what they learn into practice.
Physical Education and Sports
- Our Phys Ed program's purpose is to build not just athletic skills, but also leadership, teamwork, and sportsmanship. It focuses on leadership and responsibility rather than on winning and losing. Taking two classes a week, by 12th grade all students will have participated in softball, kickball, soccer, football, dodge ball, and volleyball at the Jewish Community Center and the Jewish Community Day School's excellent indoor facilities and Brown University's outdoor facilities.
Science Lab
- NEAT students conduct experiments in our laboratory, fully equipped with lab tables, microscopes, Bunsen burners, and other scientific equipment.
Extracurricular Activities
- Throughout the school year, there's lots to do outside the classroom. A wide range of special activities lets our girls shine socially and academically – and have lots of fun in the process.